More Outfitting


I installed a dual power outlet for the work desk and galley. This simple task got more difficult when the wall thickness turned out to be more than the depth of the outlet and it requires nuts to secure the unit from behind. I made a teak mounting pad with a cavity behind to take the mounting nuts and the whole thing is secured to the wall with the 4 mounting screws.


The front opening windows provide a nice breeze when sitting at the table. In the summer you need that but when the sun goes down it also brings mosquitoes so I made a bug screen. I took lots of measurements and made a template from an old piece of peg board. The screen has to be a bit loose to get around the window fittings. My prototype worked well and kept me safe at Elliot Key for several nights but is looks a bit rough. I am having the professionals make a nicer looking pair for both front windows.


When the wind is not blowing, you still have to keep cool so I installed several fans in strategic locations.


When the wind is blowing just a little as it often does in the summer, a windscoop is just the ticket. But as soon as you go to sleep you know it is going to rain so you have to close the hatch quickly. The hatches have a convenient flange just the right size for a #6 nut. I made fixture out of scrap teak to hold the grommet at the front of the windscoop with a keeper that can be quickly turned to release the windscoop.