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Mr. Adderly said that he gets supplies on the
mail boat which comes Tuesday
evening. It had not arrived when we went to sleep and I said to Jill ‘I hope it
does not blow its whistle when it arrives’. Later in the night we heard the
fishing boat which was at the dock start up its loud engine and chug off. An
hour later we heard another boat arrive and sure enough it docked and blew its
whistle, the mail boat had arrived. There was noise and commotion on the dock
for a while and then everything quieted down. In the morning it left at about 8
and people were picking up piles of supplies from the dock. We waited until 10
listening to a few rumbles from the E and then pulled up our anchors. The wind
was 10-15 Kt from the E to SE and we had a nice slow sail around Harvey Cay and
anchored at Big Major's Spot at 1. We heard a lot of traffic on the VHF and saw
several large motor yachts. As we turned the corner at Harvey Cay we saw 5 large
motor yachts anchored off Big Major and more at Staniel Cay. This was more
activity than we were expecting. Another sailboat anchored there just before we
did. Approaching the anchorage we saw a flock of birds hovering over a small
patch of water and diving in. As we approached we could see dozens of 9" fish
beneath the water going after small fish at the surface and the gulls also going
after the small fish. We circled a few times but the fish were not interested in
our lure. After anchoring and relaxing for a few hours we got in the dingy and
explored the shore. We could see several caves just above the waterline. We went
into the largest one which goes back at least 50’. The ceiling is covered with
deep convolutions and the floor has several circular holes. A good place to hide
treasure. We snorkeled around the rocks by the cave and saw a number of small
fish and corals. Next we dingied over to the beach which has a native sailboat
aground at the N end.
A sign on the beach warns of the wild pigs on the island.
We saw some hoof prints but no pigs. After exploring we got in the dingy and
headed back to the boat. Half way there a pig came wandering out on the beach.
We headed back but it disappeared into the bush before we got back. A little
later several dingys went ashore at the beach with food and the pig came back.
After feeding it lay down on the beach for a snooze while the people played
Frisbee on the beach. We had happy hour and it looks like another quite night at
We sailed to Big Majors Spot - 5 or 6 motor yachts here and 3 other sailboats. We dingied to shore and explored a couple of caves. Took a picture inside one that goes way back! There were lots of fish and coral. The shore is 40' coral cliffs - in-between there are sandy beaches. On one there is a sign that says PIGS - Beware. We explored around an abandoned sailboat and then started back in the dingy and looked and there running along the beach was such an ugly PIG! Brown with funny long legs and a long snout. He was about 3' to the back. As we turned back to the beach he trotted into the woods. later Rich got a movie of him when a group of 2 - 3 dingys ferried in and took the pig food :)... We played cards. Rich is Spite and Malice champ. I played computer solitaire and won! We had Happy Hour. We trolled today but got no bites on the sound. We did see about 50 sea birds going crazy after minnows with some fish about 6 - 8" long. We went all around them but got no bites. It's lovely here. High cliffs - some white coral (limestone). Tomorrow we go to Staniel Cay Marina for more H2O. At Black Point we got most supplies that we need.