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Vexed Death

I came for you, one piece at a time

I came for you because you are mine.

But every time I set the date

You coyly said, "Sorry, I must be so late."

"I need this leg", you jauntily proclaimed,

"I am a child of seven and won’t be maimed.

I have goals, and your plan is a curse.

How would that look, a one legged nurse"?

"Take your disease and be on your way.

I’ll talk with you another day.

I am bound back home to romp in the sun

Leave me now. Don’t ruin my fun!"

I traveled far, then returned to you

To find you injured after marriage anew.

Shattered by glass and twisted steel

You still refused to cut a deal!

Oh, yes, you cried, you pined, you cursed.

That wretched day was one of your worst

Still holding tight to Love and Reverie

You shouted sternly, "Get out of here!"

I came again to stake my claim, with cancer as my friend.

Slashing - burning a trail, to bring you the bitter end.

Love, again, barred my fearsome black intent.

I seethed, now vexed with rage to vent.

And you? You waved and sailed merrily away,

Calling, "Death Man, Death Man, not today.

Catch me. Catch me. Catch me, if you can.

I’m off with my Love to far tropical lands."


April Jill Harper

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